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6 Things You Must Never When Do Running With Your Partner

Let’s assume you’re a runner. That’s why you’re reading this post. And you’re partner has just started running. Just think of all the fun you can have running with your spouse!

There are all the races you can go to together. Weekends turning into joint training sessions. No more complaints about sweaty kit or muddy trainers. Or groans when you get up early for a run before work.

But before you get too carried away, be warned. If your spouse or partner’s enthusiasm for running is going to survive the next few weeks, you’ll need the skills of a diplomat.

partner starts running

When Your Partner Starts Running

Here are the things you must never do when your partner starts running…

#1 Tell Them You’ll Be Their Personal Trainer

Trust me on this one. Being a personal trainer for your partner almost never works.

Even if you’re a couple who do everything together, taking on the mantle of your partner’s coach will be a step too far.

It’s just too easy for coaching to be seen as criticism – don’t go there. Be upbeat about your partner’s running but go easy on the advice.

#2 Say That’s A Good Idea You Need To Lose Some Weight

I don’t really need to add to this. It should be obvious it’s a big no. If it isn’t I’m spelling it out.

Doesn’t matter if your partner is male or female, careless comments about weight will always spark arguments.

running with partner

#3 Buy Them Running Clothing (Unless They Ask For It)

Once, when I ran an outdoor store, a set of running clothing was returned after the holiday season with an angry note: “Ungrateful wife insists I return this excellent running clothing. You can tell the couple didn’t have a great Christmas.

It’s just too much pressure. Your partner is a beginner runner. The first few weeks will be tough. The last thing they want is to feel obligated to keep running because you’ve bought them some expensive kit.

As for gifting running clothing to your partner with the words “If it’s too small, I’m sure you can lose weight and fit into it”, this happened to me once. It’s an ex-relationship.

#4 Run Alongside Your Partner Encouraging Them

What’s wrong with this? Surely encouragement is good.

Is it?

We’ve all done it, encouraged another runner. But it’s one thing getting a “well done” as some top runner passes you in a race. It’s a bit different from having someone bouncing along effortlessly next to you saying “Well done”, “Keep going” or “You can do it”.

It’s so easy to sound just a little bit condescending. You’ve been warned…

running with partner

#5 Run Ahead To The Top Of A Hill Then Double Back To Give Encouragement

I’ve talked about this one to lots of runners and everybody hates it. It’s just rubbing it in that you’re a better runner.

If you must do it, don’t be surprised if your partner comes out with a few choice words. Try and run at your partner’s pace or if you must run ahead, wait at the top.

#6 Make Comments About How Slowly Your Partner Runs

Who would do this? Well, you’d be surprised. Maybe not on purpose but little comments can slip in.

There’s the “You don’t mind if I go out again when we get back” or my favorite “This is quite a good recovery pace after my hard run this morning”.

Follow these rules of running with your partner and hopefully, your spouse will enjoy taking up running. A helpful book, encouragement to join a beginners’ running group, or just giving your partner a little bit of space to work their way through Couch To 5K, can be the best way to provide support when your partner starts running…

When your partner starts running be warned: you need the skills of a diplomat. There's a fine line between encouragement and sounding condescending... #running #runningtips #runningforbeginners
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