Autumn Self Care: Cosy Fall Wellness Tips
Every year I must remind myself of the good things I love about fall. It’s easy to get hung up on the negatives such as less daylight and colder weather, but each new season brings unique opportunities. With a little autumn self-care, you can enjoy everything fall has to offer from autumnal colors to sweet spicy flavors and your body moving into stillness.
For many people, autumn is hectic! It’s a return to work and school and you’re often facing new challenges. Your pace of life is at odds with the season and you need some extra self-care ideas to help your transition into fall.

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Autumn Self-Care Ideas
Pick and choose the ideas that appeal to you. Remember that fall self-care is all about you and doing the things that make you feel mentally and physically good.

1. Hit Pause & Feel Grounded
Connect with the earth and center your thoughts with this simple yoga meditation:
- Find a quiet place to lie down on a yoga mat or blanket. This can be inside but if the weather is still good try this outside with a blanket to cover you and keep you warm.
- Lie on your back in Corpse Pose (Savasana) with your arms alongside your body, palms facing upwards, and let your fingers curl naturally.
- Let your legs rest on the ground. Your feet will be about hip-width apart and your feet will fall outwards.
- Relax your whole body and let your body feel heavy. Just breathe and feel your body sinking into stillness.
2. Make The Most Of The Autumn Sunshine
Autumn can serve up some wonderful days so make the most of them. Take every opportunity to get outside before work, during your lunch break, or on weekends to soak up those rays and top up your Vitamin D levels.
Enjoying the good days now will help sustain you through the winter months.
3. Revamp Your Wardrobe
Part of me always wants to keep wearing my summer wardrobe as long as possible in defiance of summer’s end but instead, it’s better to embrace the season’s change. Enjoy updating and revamping your autumnal wardrobe.
Dig out your warmer styles and pack away your summer outfits. Dress for variable weather conditions with several thin layers and choose a color palette to reflect the season.
4. Start A Journal
A new season, a new beginning. By starting a journal you can make plans for the months ahead, reflect on your daily progress, or just write about your gratitude for the small things that delight you during the day.
It’s the daily events that sustain us such as watching a robin defending its territory, catching the beauty of an autumnal sunset, or star-gazing on a crisp, clear night.
5. Enjoy The Fruits Of Autumn
Sweet blackberries, tart juicy apples, versatile pumpkins: enjoy the nutritious seasonal produce of autumn. Try out new recipes and organize a potluck meal with friends. From apple cinnamon overnight oats to pumpkin pie, experiment with the tastes and spices of autumn.
6. Get Cozy with Fall Hygge
You don’t need to be Danish to embrace the concept of Hygge. It’s the idea of creating a warm, inviting atmosphere in your home. Make a cozy space with warm blankets, soft pillows, and gentle lighting. Somewhere to cozy up with a good book, drink a herbal tea, or indulge in a Netflix marathon.
7. Seek Out The Delights Of Autumn
Walking in my local woods today reminded me of the changing season. The leaves are already turning to their rust, yellow, and burnt orange fall colors. Acorns were falling from trees in the gentle wind and I spotted a squirrel busy collecting the nuts to aid survival through the winter months.
Take delight in these signs of Autumn. Look for conkers, pick blackberries, or collect autumn leaves, pinecones, and other treasures you can use to decorate your home for Halloween.
8. Boost Your Immune System
Have you noticed that everyone seems to have a snuffle at this time of year? As everyone spends more time inside, colds spread rapidly. Look after your health by eating nutritious meals, exercising regularly, spending time outdoors when the weather permits, and getting adequate sleep.
Give your immune system a boost with superfoods bursting with antioxidants such as blueberries and consider taking supplements such as vitamin C and zinc.
9. Use Light Therapy
Seasonal Affective Disorder is the struggle to maintain your well-being as the days get shorter and we suffer from less exposure to daylight. It’s also known as winter depression.
Spending 20-30 minutes each morning using a light therapy box can help improve your mood. A light therapy box mimics natural daylight and it’s thought that light therapy reduces the production of melatonin (a hormone that makes you sleepy), and increases the production of serotonin (a hormone that affects your mood).
10. Plan A Fall Getaway Or Staycation
Supercharge your autumn self-care with a change of scenery or take a staycation to make the most of where you live. It doesn’t need to be long. A weekend dedicated to your transition into fall can be enough to boost your energy levels.
You can make the holiday as active or restful as you want. My ideal fall getaway is full of short autumn walks, finding a local cafe for a cinnamon latte, and snuggling up by an open fire with a must-read book.
11. Enjoy A Fall Spa Day
Pamper yourself at home with body scrubs, soothing face masks, and a luxurious bath. You can make your spa day seasonal with the scents of autumn, give this pumpkin spice latte bath bomb a try!
I like to pick a day when I have the house to myself and I know I’m not going to be interrupted. Soaking in a long hot bath is a wonderful way to let go of tension and all the associated aches and pains. These are some of my favorite self-care essentials.
12. Take Up A Challenge
Kick-off a new season by trying something new or taking up a challenge. It could be physical such as starting a 30-day walking program, something creative, learning a new language, or any other activity you’ve always wanted to try.
Think about what you’d like to achieve by the time Spring comes around and work out what you need to do to get there. If you’re taking on a fitness challenge, these tips will help you reach your goals.
I hope you’ve enjoyed these autumn self-care tips. If so, please share my pin and you may enjoy these simple self-care ideas and ideas for a healthy morning routine.