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Outdoor Lifestyle For Adventure Lovers (It’s Time To Play)

There are two ways of looking at life; live to work or live for the weekends. It just depends on your priorities. You can follow the gravy train and put your efforts into material gain or enjoy an outdoor lifestyle and spend all your spare time chasing adventure.

I know which one supplies fond memories, exciting days out, and builds lasting friendships. It’s not chasing after bigger houses and faster cars.

Adventures are possible almost everywhere. Hiking up your local hill, exploring unknown trails, taking up mountain biking.

Time spent outdoors will fill your weekends full of possibilities. When you become a weekend warrior, the nine-to-five won’t pass quickly enough. There’ll always be many things to do on your bucket list.

But be warned. It’s addictive. Hike, climb, trail run, mountain bike… You’ll never look back.

outdoor lifestyle benefits

What Is An Outdoor Lifestyle?

An outdoor lifestyle means different things to different people. At its core, it’s a life of adventure and exploration, spending as much time outdoors as possible. For some people, it’s about thrill-seeking and challenges from climbing big snowy mountains to completing ultra races.

For others, it’s seeking out wilderness areas, camping in remote locations, and enjoying the peace and solace of nature.

Health Benefits Of An Outdoor Lifestyle

Spending more time outdoors can help you live longer! It’s a wild claim but there’s evidence to back it up. Provided your outdoor sports don’t get too extreme and dangerous, your health will benefit. Here are some of the reasons:

outdoor adventure


Regular physical activity is key to long-term good health. The Centers For Disease Control and Prevention recommend at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity and muscle-strengthening activities on 2 or more days a week. The motto is move more and sit less.

If you’re an outdoor lover, hitting these recommended exercise levels will be second nature. Hiking and trail running up mountains will keep you fit and strong.

Fresh Air

Escaping to the outdoors is good for the lungs. We all benefit from the chance to breathe clean, fresh air away from the pollution of car fumes and city life.

outdoor lifestyle for adventure lovers

Mental Health

The outdoors offers a chance to relax, de-stress, and unwind for a few hours from the pressures of everyday living. Studies have shown that spending time in nature is linked to good mental health and wellbeing. 

How much time should you spend outside? Spending at least 2 hours a week in green spaces can lower blood pressure and stress hormone levels. Getting outdoors every day, even if it’s just for a short 2 mile walk, is a great way to lift your mood.

Vitamin D

Did you know over 40% of adults in the US are deficient in Vitamin D? The sunshine Vitamin improves your calcium absorption and helps maintain healthy bones. You need to expose your skin to the sun for 10-15 minutes each day.

If you’re an outdoor enthusiast, that’s not a problem! You’ll be out in the sunshine all summer long, soaking up the rays and getting plenty of Vitamin D goodness. Just don’t forget your sunblock – cover up and stay cool when it’s hot.

trail running


Being outside is our natural environment, not the concrete walls that surround us in a city. It’s one reason people are happier outside.

Doing what you love also makes you happy. There are no guarantees you’ll love outdoor activities but if you do, it’s a way of finding contentment.

Sweeping landscapes, breathtaking mountain views, and a sense of achievement when you reach the summit or cross the finish line. It’s a way to make the most of every day!

outdoor lifestyle for adventure lovers

What does an Outdoor Lifestyle mean?

For some, outdoor living is just having an outdoor space with hot tubs and sling chairs. Barbequing in the backyard!

For others, it’s spending as much time as possible in the natural world and having a minimal environmental impact.

For most people, it’s more than just an outdoorsy lifestyle, soaking up the beauty of nature. It’s seeking outdoor adventure, shared experiences with family and friends, and the making of memories.

Surviving freezing cold rain on a hike and watching the sunrise from your high mountain camp. Close-up chance encounters with wild animals, pushing through to the finish on an ultra run, or getting up a seemingly impossible climb.

outdoor lifestyle

How Do I Get An Outdoor Lifestyle?

Decide what an outdoor lifestyle means to you and start seeking out activities in nature. The possibilities are endless!

If you live a city life, urban hike to explore your local parks and try and find some mini-adventures. It could be connecting up all the green spaces in your city in one long run or looking for signs of wildlife in obscure places.

Venture outside the city and take up hiking. This Hiking for Beginners Guide will help you get started. Join clubs to find like-minded people or sign up for guided courses to learn new skills such as rock climbing or mountain biking.


Outdoor Gear

If you’re new to outdoor activities, the costs of outdoor gear can seem prohibitive. The outdoor industry may encourage you to spend a small fortune, but it’s possible to get outdoors on a shoestring.

You can hire mountain bikes, buy second-hand climbing and hiking gear, and seek out brands that provide more affordable clothing.

Try and find the gear that will last, that’s lightweight and durable. Avoid clothing that’s just fashionable or stylish and choose items based on features and function.

mountain biking

Why Do People Enjoy Outdoor Activities?

People who enjoy outdoor activities are passionate about being outdoors. They enjoy the freedom, exploration, and discovery of being in wild places.

They love connecting with nature, appreciating its beauty, and enjoying its challenges. Outdoor activities teach you resilience and determination. There’s the euphoria of pushing your boundaries and discovering your capabilities.

Being outdoors helps us appreciate how small we are in the grand scheme of things and remind us that it’s ok to slow down and take time to enjoy the beauty around us. It’s a chance to reflect on the important things in life and get a sense of perspective.

Health benefits of an outdoor lifestyle
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Go and find some Outdoor Adventures!

Endless possibilities await from a week skiing in the Alps to climbing in Yosemite or camping under the stars on a remote beach. There are so many ways to enjoy outdoor adventures, and they can be found all over the world.

Getting outside is one of life’s simplest pleasures—and I understand how tough it can sometimes be to find time for adventure during busy weeks at work. But there are few things better than leaving your daily routine behind to discover what lies beyond the horizon.

Whether you’re an explorer who wants their next outdoor challenge or someone who prefers finding peace in Mother Nature’s environment, there’s an adventure out there for everyone. Go and find yours!

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