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Calories Burned Running Calculator

Running for weight loss? It helps to know how many calories you burn during your runs. Get an accurate estimate using our calories burned running calculator.

Simply enter your body weight and the duration of your run, then select your running pace from the drop-down menu.

For example: If you weigh 160 pounds and run for 30 minutes at 11 minutes per mile, your calorie burn will be around 343 calories – keep it up!

Running Calorie Calculator

Calories Burned Running Calculator


Unit of measurement *
running calorie calculator

How Does The Running Weight Loss Calculator Work?

The calories burned running calculator uses metabolic equivalent MET values to calculate how much energy is used running.

Find out more about how to calculate the energy used in this related post: Calories Burned Calculator: Walking, Running, Exercise & Fitness

In simple terms: the faster you run, the higher the MET value and the more calories burned per mile.

The calculator uses your current body weight to estimate your fitness level – the more you weigh, the harder it is to run and the more calories burned.


The calculator estimates calories burned running. It’s a good estimate but you need to measure your VO2 Max in a lab to get a more accurate reading.

The calories burned calculation assumes heavy people are less fit. That’s a big assumption and doesn’t account for muscle mass or running efficiency.

The running calculator is a good way to estimate calories burned and this method is used universally by fitness trackers. Just be aware of its limitations.

calories burned running

How Many Calories Do You Burn Running A Mile?

As a rough guide, expect to burn calories at a rate of 100 per mile when running.

Simply multiply your running distance in miles by 100 to estimate calories burned. For example, the average person running 7 miles will burn around 700 calories.

How Much Should I Run To Lose Weight?

Running is one of the best exercises for calorie burn, raising your heart rate, and improving your cardio fitness. But it’s only one part of the running for weight loss equation.

How much you need to run depends on how many calories you consume and how much weight you need to lose.

Running for weight loss works when you create a calorie deficit – the calories you eat are less than the calories you burn through exercise and your day-to-day activities.

Calorie Deficit

You can create a calorie deficit by:

  • eating less
  • just by running
  • or by eating less and running.

Assuming you’re losing just body fat and not muscle, it takes a deficit of 3500 calories to burn one pound of fat.

So in theory, you can burn one pound of fat per week just by eating 500 fewer calories a day.

In practice, this never happens. Instead, your body becomes more efficient at burning calories and adapts to eating less food.

Related post: How Many Calories Do I Burn A Day?

Running To Lose Weight

Losing weight by running works better because you’re constantly challenging your body. As you get better and more efficient at running, you’ll run faster so that you’re constantly burning calories.

If you’re a new runner, it’s important not to run too far or too fast too soon. Build up your mileage gradually by following our Running for Weight Loss Plan or try Couch to 5K.

Just make sure you watch what you eat and follow a healthy diet so you’re not replacing the calories burned by running.

Set A Goal Weight

It’s always best to have a target. Find your normal weight or healthy BMI using our BMI calculator and work out how many pounds you need to lose to hit this goal weight.

Aim to lose one pound a week and work out how many weeks it will take to hit your goal. (Trying to lose weight any faster will put too much stress on your body and it’s the main reason most diets fail).

calories burned running calculator

How Many Miles To Run To Lose Weight?

The answer is how many miles can you safely run without getting injured or so tired and exhausted you give up after the first few runs?

It may take running 35 miles a week to burn 3500 calories and lose one pound of body fat. But a beginner runner won’t be able to run this far.

And you don’t need to.

As a beginner runner, you’ll burn a lot more than 100 calories per mile just because you’re new to running and your running style will be inefficient. Until your muscles adapt and get stronger – it’s going to be hard work!

Follow our running for weight loss plan and start by mixing up running and walking. Walking burns almost as many calories per mile – it just takes longer.

Calculate calories burned walking with our Calories Burned Walking Calculator. Walk on your running rest days and you’ll soon start to see results.

Related post: Running 5 Miles A Day. Is It A Good Idea?

Calories Burned Running Calculator
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Thoughts From Love Life Be Fit

This running calorie calculator estimates calories burned based on your body weight and running speed. It’s a good estimate but use it as a guide for total calories burned.

Build up your running gradually to become a regular runner and stay injury-free. As a beginner, it’s best to mix up running with walking. This way you can be active at least 5 times a week or even daily.

It helps to include some strength training exercises in your running schedule to improve core and leg strength. Just 10-15 minutes, of these bodyweight exercises for runners, two or three times a week will make a big difference.

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