The Best Running Blogs To Follow In 2025

The best running blogs are packed full of training tips and helpful motivation to get you around your next race – from your first 5K to running half marathons.

I like to find a runner blog I can relate to – someone competing in similar races, others want to be inspired by running legends and some are just looking for information on how to start running. Here are some of the best running blogs to follow in 2025, for beginners and experienced runners!

The Best Running Blogs

Best Blogs For Runners

The Ginger Runner

Top of my list of content creators is the Ginger Runner. It’s a favorite because his material is about subjects close to my heart ultrarunning and trail running. Ethan Newberry shares high-quality videos about races, training, and product reviews in his unique humorous style. Listening to him is a bit like having a new friend. It’s the blog to go to if you’re a wanna-be trail runner or just want an insight into the rarefied world of elite runners. Ethan manages to cover all the big races and his blog is full of your ultra running heroes.

Strength Running

Started by Jason Fitzgerald, this is the go-to resource for injury prevention. Jason is a certified coach, and his blog posts have helped runners of all levels, from beginners to experienced. I’m wowed by his common-sense approach to everything from running form to diet – he reaffirms a lot of my own views. If you want to avoid injury and get more enjoyment out of running, take a look at this blog.

The Science Of Running

This blog by Steve Magness is another heavyweight in the world of performance running. Steve is a running coach and writer with an encyclopedic knowledge of the science of running. He’s not afraid to challenge conventional wisdom, which makes for some interesting reading. If you want to know more about the nitty-gritty of how runners perform, this blog is definitely worth a visit. It’s a good blog for people striving to be faster runners.

Bad Ass Lady Gang

Founder Kelly Roberts swapped failing diets for a love of running – something I’m always promoting here at Love Life Be Fit! Her energy inspires thousands of women and she’s the driving force behind the Sports Bra Squad – a growing movement promoting body acceptance. The Sports Bra Squad encourages health and fitness over unhealthy restrictive diets. Kelly has an impressive following on social media and an inspirational Youtube channel. Check out the Bad Ass Lady Gang if you’re looking for an online running community!

runner blog

James Runs Far

Named after the owner, James Williams runs far. I think when you’re a runner, it’s best not to operate in a vacuum. James has a completely different approach to nutrition than my preferred diet, eating a high fat, low-carb diet and still managing to run excessively high mileage. The diet certainly works for James and has fuelled some exceptionally long runs. His blog is a good honest read, full of tips for ultra runners.

Hungry Runner Girl

I came across the Hungry Runner Girl last year and I’ve included it on this list because the writer Janea is very relatable. Writing as your best friend she’s a Mom, runner, and blogger. Janea is an impressive marathon runner and shares race recaps mixed with workouts, recipes, and everything from mental health to dating advice.

Running Shoes Guru

Need some road shoes? This is my go-to blog for running shoe reviews. The gear reviews have an astonishing amount of detail and can help you make that all-important and very difficult shoe selection.

Lazy Girl Running

All beginner runners will relate to Laura Fountain. She started out as a complete newbie runner and documents her own 0 to 5K journey. Nowadays Laura runs her own coaching courses and encourages other people to adopt healthy lifestyles and take up running.

Run To The Finish

Aimed squarely at “middle of the pack runners”, Amanda Brooks combines running tips with some super tasty recipes. Like many runners before her, Amanda discovered the mental benefits of running and how it made her joyful. Run To The Finish will inspire you to improve your overall health and help you realize that running can be for everyone.

work out with friends

Runner’s World

It’s the authoritative source on running. I used to read their magazines decades ago. The site covers practically everything you want to know about running. The only downside is that so many of the articles you want to read are now behind a paywall.

I Run Far

This site is the go-to resource for breaking news in the ultra-running community. It’s packed full of race reviews and an inspiring selection of athlete interviews.

Trail Sisters

This blog is dedicated to helping women discover and fall in love with trail running. It’s packed full of tips, advice, and inspiring stories from female runners.

Run Eat Repeat

All about food and running. The author, Monica Olivas, is a Registered Nutritionist with a passion for helping runners fuel their bodies in the best way possible.

Marathon Training Academy

Angie and Trevor Spencer are a husband and wife team that provides marathon training programs. They also have an excellent podcast which is definitely worth a listen.

Women’s Running

The largest running magazine for women. It covers everything from training, nutrition, and injury prevention to mental health and motherhood.

The Runner Dad

This blog is written by a father of three, Matt Orlando, who loves nothing more than getting out on the trails for a run. He became a fitness enthusiast and runner after the birth of his first son. Matt writes about everything from how to balance family life with training to finding motivation in a crazy busy life.

blogs for runners

Marathons & Motivation

Angela is a mom of two writing about running for beginners, and recipes for runners and their families – from healthy casseroles to sugar cookies.

Coach Debbie Runs

Vegan runner Debbie shares her knowledge as a certified running coach and personal trainer. Read her running tips and workout recommendations.

The Runner Beans

Author Charlie Watson talks openly about some of her life challenges – particularly with mental health, and provides a mix of running tips, nutrition tips, and lifestyle tips.

The Wired Runner

Author Ben Drew has created an excellent review site for all things running. He covers everything from shoes and apparel to gadgets and accessories. If you’re looking for an in-depth review of a product before you buy, this is the site for you.

Laura Norris Running

This blog by Laura is aimed at more serious runners looking for tips to improve their strength and speed. The blog covers advice for runners up to marathon distance, with a focus on sustainable running and long-term growth.

No Meat Athlete

Think it’s not possible to achieve running greatness on a no-meat diet? Think again. The No Meat Athlete will convince you otherwise. This blog comes packed full of advice for the vegan runner.

tips for a healthy lifestyle

Running For Wellness

Lauren is a coach who helps women improve their wellness by blogging. She focuses on helping her readers overcome mental health challenges, improve their lives, and find their running motivation.

Keeping It SimpElle

Full of inspiration, Elle loves to cycle, sweat, and run. Let her help you put the fun in working out and running. Focus on what your body can do, not on how it looks.

Run Mummy Run

Last but not least, Run Mummy Run is a blog by Leanne and Becs that’s grown into an online community of 170,000 runners. They write about everything from motherhood and running to races and training.

So there you have it, my top picks for the best running blogs to follow in 2023. Of course, there’s one running resource I’ve left off this list:

Love Life Be Fit.

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