A mile can be the starting point for your fitness goals or a bench mark of performance if you’re an experienced runner. Running a mile is short, fast and hard when you’re aiming for maximum effort.

Your mile time is a reflection of your potential. If you can run a fast mile, you can comfortably run further at a slower pace. It will help your running times for all distances – 5K, 10K, half marathon and even ultramarathons!

One Mile For Beginners

Running or walking a mile a day is an excellent way to get fit. It can make a big difference to your cardiovascular fitness and give you the motivation to lose weight.

How To Run A Faster Mile

Our 4 week training plan will help improve your mile time. Working on how fast you can run a mile is a great exercise for improving your running. It helps with your running form and the speed will help with future longer races.

how long does it take to run a mile

How Long Does It Take To Run A Mile

One Mile Training Guides And Tips

  • 10 Life-Changing Benefits Of Running A Mile A Day
    One mile a day. That can be all it takes to make a life-changing boost to your health and well-being. Taking 10-15 minutes to run a mile a day could be the most important investment in your health you’ll ever make. The best bit is, that running a mile a day is within the reach…
  • Walking A Mile A Day: Weight Loss, Benefits + What To Expect
    If you’re struggling with your fitness and weight loss, the walking a mile a day challenge is an excellent starting point. It’s an achievable goal for most people and it doesn’t take too much time out of your day. Just a one-mile walk every day can be a huge benefit to your overall health. Enjoy…
  • Running A Mile A Day: Benefits, Results + 30 Day Challenge
    Running a mile a day is a great way to give your fitness routine a boost. It comes with so many health benefits from good cardio to helping with your mental health. With the right eating plan, a daily mile can even help you lose weight. But how do you go about starting a 30-day…
  • How Many Calories Does Running Burn?
    Running is one of the most popular forms of exercise and for good reason. It’s a great way to get your heart rate up, build endurance, and burn calories. But how many calories does running burn? The average person will burn around 100 calories per mile. If you run further, you’ll burn more calories –…
  • How Many Steps In A Mile Walking Or Running?
    A fitness tracker is an easy way to check how many steps you’ve walked in a day. But how do you convert from step count into miles? How many steps in a mile for the average person? The average person takes between 2000 to 2400 steps in a mile walking. With running, the stride length is…
  • Average Mile Time By Age Group And Sex + How To Run Faster
    Just curious or looking to improve your mile time? Knowing the average mile time for your age group and gender can be a good motivator. It’s a target to aim for and helps you run faster. The time it takes to run one mile is the baseline for all your running. Improve your mile time…
  • How To Run A Mile Faster In Just 4 Weeks
    Want to improve your mile time? It’s a good attitude. Knowing how to run a mile faster can make a big difference to your performance as a runner. Your mile time is relevant even if you’re a marathon or ultra-distance runner. Why? Because if you can run a fast mile, any other pace seems easier….