How To Run Faster Tips (And Crush Your Next Race)

It’s easy to get into a groove when you’re running, doing the same training sessions week in week out, or always opting for a steady-paced run. Maybe you believe you’ve hit the limits of your running and this is as fast as you’ll ever be.

My aim is to prove you wrong. Anyone can become a faster runner.

Of course, not everyone wants to run faster and this training will take you out of your comfort zone. Training to run fast can be hard. Running fast is hard. It’s type 2 fun where the gratification is delayed until the end of the session. Not everyone is a fan.

But if you want to know how to run faster, read on… these 9 tips will help.

how to run faster tips

9 Tips To Run Faster

1. Run Consistently

Running faster isn’t just about speed out of the starting blocks, it’s also about strength and endurance. You need to maintain your running pace over the length of the race.

To do this you need to train consistently. The best runners run regularly every week and target a consistent mileage. Aim to run at least 3 days a week if you want to improve as a runner.

tips how to run faster

2. Run Further

If a 5K is your target race distance, add one longer run a week. Running longer distances at a slower pace will improve your running endurance.

Knowing you can run further than 5K will make it easier to run this distance at a faster race pace. This approach only works for shorter distances such as 5K or 10K where you’re trying to run at speed.

3. Improve Your Pacing

A sprint finish will help in races but it’s running at a consistently strong pace that gives you a fast race time. Set off too fast in a race and you’ll soon struggle to keep your pace up.

Train to run at a consistent pace using a GPS watch. It’s good to practice running with a negative split where the second half of your run is slightly faster than the first.

Tempo runs will help your body adapt to harder efforts where you’re running just below race pace. Give these tempo run workouts a try.

4. Add Speed Sessions

You can only run faster by training faster. Running fast takes practice. You need to improve your aerobic capacity by running at a fast pace over short distances.

This how to run a mile faster in 4 weeks training plan will inject some speed into any runner’s arsenal, even if your focus is normally on marathon training. Follow the plan or just add some of the suggested speed sessions into your training schedule.

Don’t overdo speed training. If you’re a new runner, just add one fartlek session to your week schedule. For more experienced runners, add one stride session and one interval training workout.

5. Run Slow

Most runners train too fast. If every training run is at a sustained pace, there’s nothing in the tank to benefit from a speed session.

Most of your runs should be easy, running at an RPE level of 4 to 5 at a pace where you can talk and run. Try and adopt the 80/20 rule where 80% of your running time is easy and you’re only working hard on 20% of your runs.

6. Strength Training

Fast runners are strong runners. To run faster you need to strengthen your core and leg muscles. You don’t need to lift weights at the gym but strength exercises such as glute bridges, split squats, and lunges can help you become a stronger runner.

Try these bodyweight exercises for runners and add 2 to 3, 10-15 minute sessions to your training per week.

7. Aim To Be A Normal Weight

As a rule, the heavier you are, the harder it is to run faster but that doesn’t mean that the skinniest runners are always first over the finish line.

Focusing too much on your weight can lead to a loss of strength and you can end up with the health risks of being underweight.

For the best running performance aim for a normal weight. When you’re running regularly and pushing hard in your speed sessions, you should find you lose excess pounds without too much effort. Just keep your junk food cravings in check!

Being underweight carries long-term risks for your health. If you think you’re at risk seek help. Make a doctor’s appointment or call a helpline. UK helplineUS helpline.

8. Improve Running Form

I’m a great believer that if it ain’t bust don’t try and fix it when it comes to running form. But if you’re a beginner runner it’s a good idea to work on some of the obvious issues.

Many new runners fail to use their arms properly, and examples of poor running form such as over-striding will slow you down and lead to injury.

Increasing cadence (your leg turnover speed) is a quick win for all runners. Strides and running drills are the best way to increase cadence. Strides are short bursts of relaxed faster running. Find out more about running strides and add them at the end of an easy run or as part of your warm-up.

9. Seek Out Competition

It’s almost impossible to run faster without some healthy competition. Entering some short races will make a big difference to your speed. You’ll be surprised by what you can achieve with adrenaline coursing through your body!

I also find that training with faster runners once a week is incredibly beneficial for making you work harder outside of your comfort zone. You’ll also be inspired by seeing how better runners train. Just remember, they may have a lot more experience so take time to build up your leg strength before training at a harder level.

Thoughts From Love Life Be Fit

I hope you’ve found these how to run faster tips helpful. You’ll find lots of help and support for beginner runners and improving runners on this site including free training plans from 5k to half marathon and greater distances.

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