6-Week Walking Exercise Plan For Overweight Unfit Beginners
We’re not hard-wired to love exercise and when you’re carrying a lot of excess weight, starting an exercise plan can seem impossible. It’s hard enough carrying around the excess 50 pounds, 70 pounds, 100 pounds plus without even thinking about running or jumping. A walking exercise plan is the best place to start if you’re overweight, obese, or unfit.
Walking is a low-impact exercise that’s kinder on your joints, muscles, and tendons. There’s less risk of injury when you start a walking plan than if you launched into running. It’s great cardio and has many long-term benefits for your physical and mental health.

The 6-Week Beginner Walking Plan
This walking exercise plan aims to keep things simple. When you’re nervous about exercising, getting started is the hardest step you’ll take, followed by sticking to a plan. You’ll find lots of different walking plans on this site such as our 28-Day Walking Plan, our 30-Day Walking Plan, and our 21-Day Shed The Pounds Walking Plan for fat loss, but this beginner walking plan will help to get you into a walking habit.
It’s for people who never exercise and have a lot of weight to lose.
Before you get started, check in with your doctor. If you haven’t exercised for a while, you’re carrying a lot of excess weight or you have any pre-existing medical issues, it’s always best to check with your doctor before starting an exercise program.
The 6-week plan starts with short walking sessions 3 days a week and builds up to slightly longer sessions up to 5 days a week. It’s better to do shorter regular walks than head out for a longer walk and feel too stiff and tired to exercise the following day.

Week 1
The walking plan in week 1 will ease you into walking. Just 10-minute walks – 5 minutes out and 5 minutes back or use a treadmill. Aim for at least 3 walks a week.
Week 2
This week keep the walk lengths to 10 minutes but aim for 5 walks a week. Keep the walking pace up.
Week 3
It’s time to up the distance. 5 walks this week for 15 minutes. 7.5 minutes out and 7.5 minutes back. Dig deep!
Week 4
Again we’re increasing the length of your walks. 5 walks for 20 minutes. 10 minutes out and 10 minutes back.
Week 5
By now, a daily walk should feel like a regular good habit. We’re almost hitting the recommended physical exercise level this week. 5 walks for 25 minutes. 12.5 minutes out and 12.5 minutes back.
Week 6
Start feeling good about yourself! This week we hit the recommended guidelines for physical activity of 150 minutes of brisk walking a week. 5 walks for 30 minutes. 15 minutes out and 15 minutes back.
Continue with your walking exercise plan at this level or follow one of my walking for weight loss plans. Try and add some bodyweight exercises twice a week to keep your muscle strength up.
How To Walk
Everyone knows how to walk right? Unfortunately, we all lapse into bad habits. These are the basics of how to walk properly:

- stand up straight,
- lean forward very slightly but keep your body in a straight line
- avoid arching your back
- engage your core muscles
- engage your glutes
- make sure your hips are level
- look 10 to 20 feet ahead as you walk
- keep your chin parallel to the ground
- take small quick strides
- relax your shoulders and swing your arms
Don’t get carried away with the arm swinging – it’s great for momentum but it’s easy to overdo it.
Wear comfortable walking shoes or trainers and clothing that allows you to move easily.
Walking Pace
Start slowly! You can always speed up. When you’re walking for fitness, the aim is to walk at a brisk pace. A brisk pace is different for everyone. It means walking with purpose. You should still be able to talk but you’re making an effort.
When you’re completely new to exercising and carrying a lot of excess weight, you may be out of breath. Take a break if you need to get your breathing under control. Start walking again at a pace you can maintain.
Read my post How To Start A Walking Program For Beginners to get all the walking tips you need.

Take The First Step
I’d love you to save my pin but don’t wait to start walking! Take your first steps today. The plan will help you hit the recommended guidelines for physical activity.
When you have a lot of weight to lose walking is an important part of the solution. It will make you feel better about yourself and you’ll be more inclined to eat better and be kind to your body.
Your diet is more important than exercise for weight loss, but if you fail to exercise, you’ll end up losing muscle mass, and keeping the weight off permanently will be so much harder.