Find the right gear and running shoes to get the most out of your running. Discover why you need good shoes and which running clothing will keep you safe, warm, and dry whatever the weather!
Runners are often out training in bad weather and having the right running gear is essential for safety. Plus it can make all the difference between a poor and a good run experience.
Good quality running shoes are absolutely essential for any type of running. Running in your gym or fashion trainers is highly unlikely to give you enough support and protection. If you’re a heavier runner – make sure your running shoes have enough cushioning.
Keeping dry is the next priority. You need a good running jacket that keeps out the rain but doesn’t feel like you’re running in a bin bag! Look for a jacket from a quality brand that’s both waterproof and breathable!
Lightweight jackets are best – stash them in a running vest when not in use. That way you’ll always carry a jacket with you just in case the weather changes!
Running socks are often overlooked by runners. Why spend so much money on expensive running trainers and then run in some cheap cotton socks? These best socks for runners are definitely worth it!
Find out what you need to wear from head to toe for running from baselayers to shorts and leggings plus tips about how tight your running shoes should be to running supplements to boost your performance!