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How Long Does It Take To Walk 7 Miles? (Walking Every Day)

7 miles is a good distance for day hikes but if you’re walking 7 miles a day it’s a big commitment. So how long does it take to walk 7 miles?

It depends on your walking speed. Some people can walk 7 miles in less than two hours, for others it will take almost three hours to walk the same distance.

Fitness level, walking terrain, elevation, age, and gender are all factors affecting walking pace. Walk 7 miles on a treadmill or uphill and the time taken will be very different.

how long does it take to walk 7 miles

How Far Is 7 Miles

7 miles is 12,320 yards or 11,265 meters or just over 11K.

How many steps is 7 miles walking?

Using a pedometer or activity tracker and counting your steps is a great way to keep track of how far you walk during the day. The number of steps it takes to complete 7 miles depends on fitness levels, average step length (stride length), and pace.

Walking 7 miles is the same distance as approximately 14000 to 16800 steps.

walking for fitness

How Long Does It Take To Walk 7 Miles?

The time to walk 7 miles depends on your walking speed. Walk quickly and you’ll cover the distance in a faster time than if you walk at a slower pace.

Walking speeds vary from person to person but typically the average person walks at a pace between 3 to 4 mph. At this speed, it takes approximately 105 to 140 minutes to walk 7 miles.

If you’re a slow walker 7 miles can take up to 3 hours and 30 minutes of walking at a pace of 2 mph. Add some rest stops and a 7 mile hike can take all day.

A leisurely pace is typically 2.5 mph. At this pace, 7 miles takes 2 hours 28 minutes.

Power walk or jog at a 12-minute mile pace and you can cover the distance in just 84 minutes!

If you know your walking pace for one mile, you can calculate your walking speed for 7 miles from the following chart:

Walking Speed
Walking Pace
Time Taken To Walk 7 Miles
(hour: min)
How long does it take to walk 7 miles?
walk 7 miles a day

What Is The Average Walking Speed?

Average pace is typically 3 mph for brisk walking. Time does decrease with age but not as much as you might think.

This study by Schimpl, Moore et al found that the difference is just 1.2 minutes when walking a distance of 1 km aged 20 compared to 60 years.

That’s a difference in average speed of about 10% over 7 miles.

Find out more about average walking speed by age and gender.

Walking Pace Over Longer Distances

Fitness is the main factor affecting walking speeds on flat terrain. Most people slow down the further they walk. It takes a good fitness level to maintain the same pace on a long walk.

When you’re walking a long distance, it’s best to walk slower at the start. It helps you avoid running out of energy over the last few miles.

It’s always important to build up your mileage slowly. If you’re not used to walking, start with a distance that’s in your comfort zone. It could be 2 miles or 3 miles or 5 miles. Or take rest stops to let your legs recover.

Walking Pace On A Treadmill

7 miles will seem a long way on a treadmill but walking speed can be faster than walking outside. Instead of uneven pavements and street furniture to dodge, you have a flat consistent treadmill belt to walk on.

On a treadmill, you can set the speed setting to the pace you want to walk at. So if you set the speed to 3 mph, it will take you 140 minutes to walk 7 miles.

At a speed of 4 mph, it will take 105 minutes to walk 7 miles.

walk 7 miles daily hike

Walk Uphill

Walking 7 miles uphill will be slower than on the flat. Expect to take an extra 30 minutes for every 1000 feet of climbing. A 7-mile walk with 2000 feet of elevation gain can take 3 hours and 20 minutes.

Find out more about hiking times and how to allow for elevation. If you’re walking on terrain where the paths are poor walking times will increase significantly.

Make sure you find out as much as possible about your route when planning a hike. It’s always best to have a contingency to make sure you get back in good time before it gets dark.

If you’re walking for fitness, walking uphill is a great way to improve your fitness level. Use our Calories Burned Walking Calculator to find out how many calories you burn walking uphill.

Benefits Of Walking 7 Miles A Day

Regular walking has many health benefits:

Mental health

Walking is a good way to reduce stress and anxiety. Numerous research articles have established the link between walking and improved mental health.

Improves cardiovascular fitness

Walking daily improves your aerobic fitness and helps to protect against heart disease. To improve your physical fitness make sure you always walk at a brisk pace.

Weight loss

Walking helps you lose weight as long as you’re in an energy deficit (burning more calories than you consume). A 7-mile walk typically burns 560 to 700 calories. Calories burned will depend on your current body weight and walking speed.

How many miles you need to walk daily to lose weight will depend on your fitness goals. Find out how much should I walk according to my BMI.

Helps with mobility

Keep walking and you’ll benefit in later life. It’s low-impact exercise for people but it’s good for your joints and preventing osteoporosis.

These are just some of the benefits of walking. All it takes is a daily routine. Just 30 minutes of regular exercise a day will benefit your overall health. Walk 3 miles a day or 6 miles a day – just make sure you do something!

How long does it take to walk 7 miles
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Thoughts From Love Life Be Fit

If you live a sedentary lifestyle – get out and walk. It’s one of the best things you can do for your health and fitness.

7 miles a day is a big undertaking. If you’re new to walking it’s best to follow a training plan instead of trying to walk too far too soon. Find out more about how to get started.

If you’ve been walking regularly and you’re now looking for the next challenge find out how long does it take to walk 8 miles.

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