What To Expect When You Quit Sugar For A Month
I get it. You’re a sugar lover. A little bit of the white stuff can make the day seem sweeter! But so many of us eat far too much. Cutting out sugar by deciding to quit sugar for a month, or at least drastically curb your intake, is a no-brainer. It’s a big step towards healthy eating for weight loss and one of the top recommendations by the World Health Association.
Sugar is a high-risk factor for type 2 diabetes, especially in sugary drinks. It has zero nutritional benefits and makes you crave food. Plus most people lose weight when they decide to quit sugar.
This household decided to quit sugar for a month…
- It was a big boost for losing weight.
- Quitting sugar caused headaches and cravings.
- It improved energy levels and overall fitness.
- We started cooking much healthier meals.
Read on to find out what happened…

No Sugar For A Month Weight Loss
Now I don’t have a sweet tooth, I guess I’m lucky that way, (peanut butter toast is my downfall). For my guy, it’s a different story.
Tea is his drink of choice and he can get through 10 cups a day. He was taking 2 teaspoons of sugar in his tea. Just think! That’s 20 teaspoons of sugar a day – 100 grams of sugar. We were getting through a packet of sugar a week.
Now he does exercise a lot and you would never say he was overweight, but he did have a little bit of a tummy. (Not that I would ever mention it to him!) Possibly the sugar was contributing to his weight gain.
I was more worried about what that sugar was doing to him. Could someone as fit as my guy still get diabetes just because of his sugar intake?
It was probably less likely because he exercised daily (which lowers your blood glucose level), but that’s no guarantee. There’s certainly an increase in the number of people being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes who are thin but don’t have the best of diets.
I managed to quit sugar myself, lost some weight and it made my guy curious enough to try…
If You Cut Sugar Out Of Your Diet What Happens?
It’s a big deal. Some people coast through cutting out sugar from their diet, but real sugar lovers can find it hard. My guy found it tough and because he exercises a lot it was difficult to find healthy high-energy snacks to satisfy his cravings.
You don’t want to switch your high-sugar treats for equally unhealthy high-fat snacks such as salty chips! He got by with whole grains, protein, and healthy fats – whole wheat toast, bananas, and small handfuls of nuts.
Before he started quitting sugar, we cleared all sugary treats and foodstuffs with added sugar out of the pantry. This was the best tip for avoiding temptation and following a sugar-free diet.
I found I had to be really patient and supportive. Quitting sugar was my idea so I got all the flack on bad days – especially over the first week!
But he stuck at it and by week two it was a lot easier. When he got to the end of the month he felt terrific. His energy levels were up and quitting sugar made a complete change to his body shape.
He’d lost over half a stone in a month and was so chuffed! He also looked leaner. My guy’s a climber and just losing half a stone made a huge difference to how hard he could climb.
This was just from cutting out obvious sources of sugar – sugar in his tea and sugary treats.

No Sugar For A Month – Long-Term Effects
This was a few years ago and the weight has stayed off permanently. In fact, over the next few months, he lost a little more and he’s now a stone lighter than when he started cutting back on sugar.
He does have a few sugar treats from time to time, but he’s never gone back to the high sugar intake he used to live on.
Quitting sugar or at least drastically reducing your intake is so worth it. You owe it to your body to eat better with less sugar and sweet stuff!
What Counts As Sugar?
Sugar creeps into our diet in so many different forms. It naturally occurs in fruit, it’s added to processed food from sauces to cakes, and food producers try to mislead us by adding natural sugars in the form of fruit sugars, maple syrup, and honey.
It’s all sugar! Even when it’s natural. I draw the line at removing fruit from my diet but try to minimize eating foods with added sugars even from natural sources.
I like to avoid drinking fruit juice. It’s a big sugar hit and you can get the nutrients you need from eating whole fruit.
What Happens When You Stop Eating Sugar For A Month
These are some of the effects You can experienced when quitting:
You’ll Go Through Withdrawal Symptoms
Everyone reacts differently but sugary foods are addictive and when you quit for the first time you’ll go through withdrawal symptoms. Don’t worry – they won’t last.
Some people get headaches for a day or two and most people feel tired but by your second week you’ll be bouncing around with extra energy.
You’ll Have Better Digestion
Eating too much sugar messes up your digestive system. When you quit sugar you’ll be rewarded with a healthier gut.
Quitting sugar is good for your immune system and your ability to extract nutrients from food.
You’ll Feel Lighter
A big plus of quitting sugar is reduced bloating. You’ll also be consuming fewer calories and have fewer food cravings.
The result? You’ll lose weight in no time. Real sugar addicts can experience large weight loss just by quitting sugar.
Your Dentist Will Love You
Quitting sugar means less fillings! Sugar is the main cause of tooth decay and by eliminating sugar from your diet your chance of fillings becomes almost zero.
That means smaller bills and time in the dentist’s chair! I haven’t had a single filling since I quit sugar!
You’ll Cook More
When you quit sugar for a month you’ll become more aware of all the bad ingredients in processed food. The solution? You’ll start checking the ingredients list on packets and cooking healthy food at home. Better for you and your family.

You’ll Need A Supply Of Healthy Snacks
It’s best to be prepared with healthy alternatives to sugary treats. Make sure you don’t lapse by having a supply of fruit and nuts to hand.
Traveling Will Be Tricky
You’ll need a plan to cope with traveling. It can be very difficult when you’re out and about to find sugar-free food. It’s best to go prepared with your own food.
You’ll Be Able To Taste Sweetness Again In Natural Foods
When we eat sugar all the time we lose our sensitivity to sweetness. When you quit sugar expect to be delighted by the wonderful natural sweetness in healthy foods. You’ll low these low sugar treats!
It’s Your Best Defense Against Diabetes
Sugar and obesity are the number one factors contributing to the rise in type 2 diabetes. Cut out sugar and you vastly reduce the risk. Some people have even managed to reverse type 2 diabetes by quitting sugar and following a low-carbohydrate diet.
Tips To Quit Sugar For A Month
Sugar is everywhere. It’s the hidden ingredient in so many processed foods. Everyone needs a little help to quit sugar for a month and the resources in my post: How To Quit Sugar will help.
These are just some of the many benefits of cutting out sugar and avoiding sugar-laden foods. If quitting sugar completely is a step too far, try and make healthier choices such as home baking healthy low sugar cakes next time you want a sweet treat instead of eating shop-bought cakes which often come high in refined sugars and calories!
Or try these overnight oats recipes – the Blueberry Pick Me Up is sweetened with berries and the basic recipe is sugar-free.

Frequently Asked Questions
No sugar for a month weight loss?
Expect to lose 1-2lb a week. It can be a lot more if you’re a big sugar addict and have a lot of weight to lose. Weight loss will depend on how much your diet changes by quitting sugar. If you have a sweet tooth – expect to see big changes.
What happens when you stop eating sugar for a month?
Expect withdrawal symptoms for the first few days. These could be headaches, feeling achy and tired. After the first few days, you should start to feel better and by the second week notice increased energy levels. You stop craving your next sugar fix. No more energy peaks and crashes. Your digestion will be better, less bloating and if you’re replacing your sugary snacks with healthy food, expect to lose weight.
How long does it take your body to detox from sugar?
Sugar is present in many natural forms, such as fruit and vegetables, so you’re never completely detoxing from sugar. It’s the super-concentrated stuff added to processed foods or stirred into your tea that causes the problems. Quit adding granulated sugar, honey, maple sugar or any other form of intense sugar fix to your food and your taste buds will quickly adapt. Some people will adjust in less than a week but everyone is different and it’s harder if you have a sweet tooth. One month should be enough to eliminate cravings and adapt to healthy eating.