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6 Ways To Get Fit For Summer And Have Fun!

Summer is just so much more enjoyable if you’re fit. Opportunities for adventure abound but they all require a base level of fitness. It’s so much more fun if you’re fit for summer!

There’s nothing worse than wanting to head into the hills with friends, explore a new cycle path, or enjoy a summer morning run, and finding your fitness isn’t up to scratch.

You owe it to yourself to get in shape and be fit, packing as much fun into summer as possible…

6 ways to get fit

Tips To Get In Shape For Summer

#1 Make It Routine

Commit to making exercise part of your daily routine. Try and set aside 30 minutes a day, longer at weekends. It helps to keep to a regular time slot.

#2 Mix It Up

Cross-training, where you follow more than one type of exercise, is a great way to stay motivated. It’s also good for your body and helps you avoid overuse injuries or muscle imbalance.

#3 Try A New Sport

Taking up a new sport challenges your body, plus it can be a lot of fun. You’ll gain increased confidence from learning something new. It can also be super motivating!

Read my 47 Tips, How To Get Fit for inspiration!

#4 Just 5 Minutes

If you’re struggling to get out the door (or hit the yoga mat), follow the “just 5 minutes” rule. Tell yourself you’ll exercise for 5 minutes then see how it goes. Sometimes just starting will motivate you to complete your full routine.

#5 Don’t Overdo It

Throwing yourself into an ambitious training regime that only lasts one week, won’t help your fitness levels. Be sensible and listen to your body. Overdoing it can leave you deflated and possibly injured. Build-in rest days when you stick to light exercise such as an easy walk.

#6 Enjoy Yourself

There are many different sports and ways of getting fit. Find out what you enjoy doing. It’s far easier to show up if your exercise routine is an enjoyable part of your day.

Instead of chasing perfection, start living. Exercise should be fun!

fit for summer

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