9 Easy High Protein Snacks To Help You Lose Weight
Hunger is the downfall of any healthy eating plan. When I’m trying to eat better, all good intentions can quickly disappear if I don’t have a healthy snack to hand. If I’m hangry from running it’s almost impossible to resist the temptation of wolving down the nearest sticky treat! Quick and easy high-protein snacks are the answer. Something you can slip in your gym bag or take to work to ensure you always have something to eat to fill you up quickly without sabotaging your diet.

How Protein Helps You Lose Weight Naturally
- Keeps You Feeling Full Longer: Protein is super filling, making you less likely to feel hungry and snack between meals. This helps you reduce your overall calorie intake without feeling deprived.
- Boosts Your Metabolism: Your body uses slightly more energy to digest protein compared with fats and carbs, giving your metabolism a nice little boost!
- Helps Preserve Lean Muscle: When you’re losing weight, it’s important to maintain muscle mass. Muscles are essential for a good metabolism as well as staying strong. When you start losing muscle mass your metabolism slows and it’s harder to maintain weight loss. Exercise and a good protein intake will keep your muscles intact.
- Regulates Hunger Hormones: Protein can help keep your appetite in check by influencing hormones that control hunger, like ghrelin. This means you’ll feel satisfied and less likely to overeat.
Incorporating enough protein into your diet can be a game-changer for natural and sustainable weight loss. It’s all about feeling full, keeping your metabolism active, and maintaining that lean muscle!
9 Easy, No Preparation, High Protein Snacks
1. Hard-Boiled Eggs
Approx Protein 6g per egg, calories 72
These are my favorite high-protein snacks. They’re perfect for snacking on the go. I like to keep a few hard-boiled eggs in the fridge for a quick and easy protein boost. Each egg provides around 6 grams of protein and they’re relatively low in calories. Snacking on a couple will quickly fill you up. For a tasty option eat with avocado and toast but allow for the extra calorie hit.

2. Chickpeas
Approx Protein 6g per 1/4 cup, 100 calories
Roasted chickpeas are crunchy and satisfying. It’s another snack that’s high in protein. You can buy them in various flavors for a quick grab-and-go snack or better still, make your own. If you roast them with just a drizzle of olive oil, you’ll keep the calorie content low. Give this recipe a try.
3. Cottage Cheese
Approx Protein 14g per 1/2 cup, 60 calories
A single-serving cottage cheese tub is perfect for a quick protein fix. All cheese is high in fat so opting for a low-fat version is better when you’re aiming to lose weight. Enjoy it on its own or mix in some fruit or veggies for added flavor and nutrients.
4. Edamame
Approx Protein 8g per 1/2 cup, 95 calories
These little green soybeans are a great source of plant-based protein. You can find them pre-cooked and ready to snack on. They’re an easy healthy option packed with protein and relatively low in calories.
5. Nuts
Approx Protein 3g per 10 assorted nuts, 85 calories
Almonds, walnuts, and pistachios are great for a quick protein hit. They’re tasty, crunchy, and super easy to take with you wherever you go. Just remember nuts are a dense calorie food so keep an eye on portion sizes! You only need a small handful to take the edge off your hunger pangs.
6. Greek Yogurt
Approx 12g Protein per 1/2 cup non-fat yogurt, 70 calories
Opt for non-fat Greek yogurt for a creamy, protein-packed snack. Eat with a handful of berries for a tasty nutritious treat.

7. Canned Mussels
Approx 9g Protein per 60-gram (half a can), 80 calories
Canned mussels are a protein powerhouse and so easy to keep on hand. This sustainable food source is full of nutrients including vitamin B-12, iron, and omega-3 fatty acids. One 60-gram (half-a-can) serving of mussels provides 9 grams of protein at a cost of just 80 calories. Eat straight from the tin with some fresh bread or crackers for a tasty snack.
8. Beans On Toast
Approx 6g Protein per 1/2 cup of baked beans, 120 calories plus extra for toast & butter
It’s easy to forget how convenient it is to make beans on toast. Just heat your favorite can of beans and pile on buttered toast. It’s a filling dish that’s high in protein and quick to make. When you’re hungry and in need of a quick meal or hearty snack, this is a terrific option. Just go easy on the butter!

9. Overnight Oats
Depends on the recipe. Up to 40g Protein per serving, up to 360 calories
Meal prep overnight oats and keep a stock in your fridge ready for when you need an instant pick-me-up. Oats are high in protein and you can boost the protein content even further by adding protein powder to your recipe. Our selection of overnight oats recipes has a Matcha protein option with a massive 41g of protein.
Looking for more snack ideas? You may enjoy these related posts:
- 9 Healthy Breakfast Ideas For Work (Snacks On The Go)
- 16 Healthy Snacks For Work (Meal Prep And Eat At Your Desk)
- Healthy Breakfast Meal Prep Ideas (Make Ahead For The Week)
Did you enjoy this round-up of high-protein snacks to help you lose weight? I’d love you to share my pin on Pinterest!