8 Simple Exercises To Transform Your Body In Just 4 Weeks
It doesn’t take big changes to improve your fitness; you just need consistency. These 8 simple bodyweight exercises you can do at home will transform your body. Just commit to a workout for 10 minutes every day.
The simple exercises are suitable for beginners with no equipment required. 3 different workouts repeated twice a week plus a bonus session or optional rest day. Complete the 4-week workout challenge and you’ll notice a big difference in your physique. Discover muscles you never knew you had!
For the best results be consistent and combine the exercise plan with small improvements to your diet. Eat better with our nutrition guides and build the body you always wanted!

The Bodyweight Exercises To Build Muscle
1. Burpee Jump
A burpee jump is a great way to get warmed up. This full-body exercise works your legs, hips, buttocks, abdomen, arms, chest, and shoulders.
Burpees are often used in a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) regime providing an explosive burst of intense cardio workout.
- From a standing start bend your knees and hinge at the hips keeping your back straight.
- Bring your hands down to the ground in front of your shoulders, push with your hands, and explosively jump both feet backward into a plank position.
- If you’re feeling strong add a push-up here before jumping straight back to your original squatting position with your knees toward your chest.
- Push the ground away with your hands to quickly stand up and add a little jump raising your hands in the air.

2. Plank
The plank is unique among exercises. There’s no relief. Once you’re in position and engaging those core muscles there’s no break. The longer you hold your position, the more intense the exercise gets.
It’s the ultimate core exercise working both your abdominals and your obliques (those muscles that run along the side of your torso). With proper form, you’ll use your glutes to stop your hips from sagging and also feel the plank’s effects in your upper arms, shoulders, neck, upper back, and legs.

- To get into position, prop yourself on your forearms and hold your body in a straight line from your head to your toes.
- Squeeze your abs and glutes and imagine pulling your belly button into your spine.
- Gaze face down and keep your neck as relaxed as possible. Your shoulders should be pressed down, not up around your ears.
- And hold: for as long as you can without losing form. As soon as that butt starts to sag, take a break before restarting.

3. Side Plank Dips
The side plank dip focuses on your obliques. These muscles are important for your posture. If you’re a runner they’re essential for maintaining good form and stability, helping you run efficiently.
You’ll also work your shoulders, deep stabilizer muscles in your hips and trunk, your back muscles, and your glutes.
- Start in a plank position and roll over until you’re resting on one forearm with your ankles stacked on top of each other. Keep your body in a straight line from your head to your feet.
- With your chest facing forward lower your bottom hip to the ground, pause then return to the side plank position.
- Repeat for as many reps as possible then swap sides.
Regression: Stagger your feet slightly until you get stronger and work on holding the side plank position without the dips.

4. Push Ups
This ultimate bodyweight exercise largely targets the chest and triceps but you’ll also feel its effects on your shoulders, core, and upper back. It’s another tough exercise but it quickly gets results.
- Start in a high plank position with your hands flat on the floor and directly under your shoulders. Tense your shoulders, glutes, and core with your body in a straight line from head to toe.
- Bend your elbows and lower your body. Your elbows should be at 45 degrees relative to your torso. Stop just before your chest hits the ground. Push back up to your starting position and repeat.
- Work on keeping your body straight and avoid sticking your butt in the air!
Regression: You can modify the position by kneeling or by resting your forearms on a low bench to take some of the weight off your arms.

5. Supermans
This is an excellent exercise for your lower back but it also works your glutes, hamstrings, upper body, and abdominals.
- Start on your stomach with arms straight in front and legs straight out behind.
- Lift your arms and legs off the floor keeping your head in a neutral position. Aim for your hands and feet to be about 4-6 inches off the floor.
- Hold for 2-3 seconds. Lower to your starting position and repeat.
Regression: Take it in turns to raise your upper body and lower body until you’re strong enough to raise both at once.

6. Glute Bridges
Fire up your glutes with this essential exercise. You’ll work your glutes, hamstrings, and core.
- Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet hip-width apart.
- Squeeze your glutes as tight as you can and engage your core.
- With your upper back on the ground lift your hips off the floor squeezing all the time. Don’t arch your back.
- When your hips are fully lifted, pause and squeeze everything even tighter. Then lower your hips still keeping everything tight and your glutes engaged. Repeat.

7. Bird Dog
The bird dog is all about technique. It works your abs and core muscles but in ways that are normally neglected. The aim is to keep your spine straight and avoid twisting. And this anti-rotation exercise is a lot harder than it looks!
- Start on all fours with your wrists underneath your shoulders and your knees in the same plane as your wrists. Look down and concentrate on maintaining a neutral spine.
- Squeeze your shoulder blades and your abs keeping your spine straight. Extend one arm and your opposite leg, squeezing your glutes.
- Pause and make sure your spine stays straight. Lower your limbs and repeat with the opposite arm and leg.

8. Reverse Lunges
The reverse lunge is a terrific variation of the popular forward lunge for anyone with knee issues. You’ll work the glutes, legs, and abs but especially the hamstrings and the big gluteus maximus (your butt). It really is the ultimate butt workout!
- Start in a standing position and engage your core muscles.
- Take a big step backward with your left foot. Sink your right knee until it’s at 90 degrees and at the same time lower your left knee so it’s hovering just off the floor.
- Push back up and return to the starting position. Repeat.

The 4-Week Workout Plan To Transform Your Body
This workout program has 3 basic 10-minute workouts:
Workout 1
Warm Up: 5 minutes walking or jogging on the spot.
- 1 min burpee jump
- 1 min push-ups
- 1 min glute bridges
- 1 min bird dog
- 1 min burpee jump
- 1 min plank
- 1 min side plank dips (30 secs each side)
- 1 min supermans
- 1 min reverse lunges (30 secs each side)
- 1 min burpee jump
Workout 2
Warm Up: 5 minutes walking or jogging on the spot.
- 1 min push-ups
- 1 min plank
- 1 min bird dog
- 1 min plank
- 2 min side plank dips (1 min each side)
- 1 min supermans
- 1 min push-ups
- 1 min bird dog
- 1 min plank
Workout 3
Warm Up: 5 minutes walking or jogging on the spot.
- 2 min burpee jumps
- 2 min glute bridges
- 2 min reverse lunges (1 min each side)
- 2 min glute bridges
- 2 min reverse lunges (1 min each side)
Bonus Workout
- 2 min plank
- 2 min side plank dips (1 min each side)
- 1 min push-ups
- 2 min plank
- 2 min side plank dips (1 min each side)
- 1 min push-ups

4 Week Bodyweight Exercise Plan
Week 1
- Day 1 – Workout 1
- Day 2 – Workout 2
- Day 3 – Workout 3
- Day 4 – Workout 1
- Day 5 – Workout 2
- Day 6 – Workout 3
- Day 7 – Rest day Or Bonus Workout
Repeat for Weeks 2, 3 and 4.
At the end of 4 weeks, you will notice a difference. You can expect your abs to be more visible, your arm muscles to feel stronger and your butt muscles to be firmer. Return to this exercise plan and these simple exercises whenever you want to firm up your body without going to the gym. Alternatively, try out some of our other workouts: