7 Ways To Make Yourself Run Outside When It’s Raining
It’s not that you don’t like running, it’s just the thought of making yourself run outside when it’s raining. Dragging yourself out of a cozy house into a freezing downpour.
Of course, you could just find a treadmill but often that’s not convenient. Plus it’s just not the same as getting your daily dose of fresh air and exercise in the great outdoors. So here are a few tips to help you run in the rain!

Tips For Running In The Rain
Wear A Baseball Cap
This is a no-brainer. Wearing a cap helps to keep the rain off your face. Somehow this stops it from being quite so bad.
Tell Yourself It Will Be A Short Run When It’s Raining
A short run is better than no run. If telling yourself it’s going to be a short run gets you out the door, it’s a start. Who knows you might find running in the rain is okay and stay out for longer.

Embrace The Coolness
Overheating when you run is no fun. Enjoy the coolness. Next week you could be struggling to run in high temperatures. Just saying!
Dress For The Conditions To Run When It’s Raining
If you’re about to run in cold rain, (I’m thinking the UK in summer 😓), wear a rain jacket. If you’re running in a warm place, just accept you’re going to get wet. Dress for the conditions. Getting wet may not be a big deal. Getting cold and wet will be.
Avoid Chaffing
If you’re going for a longer run in the rain – prepare. Wet clothing will rub and the best way to protect yourself is to use Vaseline. Under your arms, bra straps, and tops of your legs… chaffing sucks so make sure you avoid it!
Be Vigilant
If you’re running near roads, you need to be more safety aware in the wet. It’s harder for vehicles to see you – stay safe!
Enjoy Yourself! Run When It’s Raining And Splash In The Puddles…
Just because it’s raining, it doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy your run! Splashing about in puddles can be fun…