How To Quit Sugar: 10 Tips For A Sugar Detox
Added sugar is everywhere. It’s addictive, tempts us to overeat and it’s linked to all sorts of health problems from obesity to Type 2 diabetes, liver damage to depression, and heart disease. But ignoring those sugar cravings isn’t easy.
These 10 tips for how to do a sugar detox and live added sugar-free will help you quit sugar with minimal withdrawal symptoms and cravings.

What Does It Mean To Quit Sugar?
Quitting sugar doesn’t mean cutting out natural sources of sugar found in fruits, vegetables, and dairy foods. It’s eating better by cutting out all the added sugar in your diet:
- Sugar in soft drinks or added to tea and coffee.
- Fruit juice and smoothies – fruit juice is concentrated fructose without the fiber. It’s a big sugar hit!
- Sugars added to cakes, biscuits, chocolate, sauces, and ready meals.
- Sugar sprinkled on your breakfast cereals or a bowl of strawberries!
Even if you don’t have a sweet tooth, your sugar intake can quickly add up. Sugar is the hit that gets you reaching out for more. You don’t need to be a self-confessed sugar addict to find yourself eating too much sweet food. Take a break from added sugar and feel so much better without sugar cravings and blood sugar crashes.

Best Ways to Quit Sugar
- Clear your cupboards of sugary food and go cold turkey.
- Avoid blood sugar crashes and make sure you always have a substitute non-sugar snack to hand.
- Write a list of avoidance strategies such as what to do at coffee breaks.
- Eat regularly and drink water.
- Fill up on vegetables and protein-rich foods.
- Switch high-sugar fruits such as grapes for low-sugar berries.
- Exercise and reward yourself with non-sugar treats.
How To Quit Sugar
My post: What To Expect When You Quit Sugar For A Month gives you the lowdown on how you’ll feel from withdrawal symptoms to the change in your taste buds.
For most people, quitting sugar isn’t easy. We have lifelong addictions to sugar. Our brains are hardwired from a young age to think of sugar as a treat. A comfort blanket. On a bad day curl up on the sofa with your favorite hit!
Yet with a bit of willpower and the help of these tips, you can quit sugar right now!
#1 Clear Out The Cupboards
It’s far easier to commit to a no-sugar regime if your house is free of sugary treats. Start reading labels and clear out everything that contains added refined sugar.
There are a lot of different names for sugar. Names for simple sugars are sucrose, glucose, or fructose, but you also need to check for galactose, lactose, maltose, and high fructose corn syrup (HFCS).
A lot of so-called health foods are laden with added sugar. Maple syrup, honey, and fruit sugars may sound healthy but they all pack a big sugar hit!

#2 Quitting Sugar Cold Turkey
Think you can just cut back on the sugary stuff? Have you tried it? Think of eating sugar as an addiction. For most people quitting sugar cold turkey is best. It’s tough but it’s worth it.
The first week is the hard part. Pick a week when you can take things easy. Quitting sugar isn’t something you want to do when you have deadlines at work or a house full of relatives!
Most people have headaches for a day or two and can also feel really tired. Even dizzy or nauseous. It will pass.
You may feel a little low, even anxious, struggle to sleep at night, and be irritable. The biggest challenge is managing your cravings. You won’t just crave sugar, you’ll crave carbs, especially highly processed foods such as white bread.
#3 Avoid Blood Sugar Crashes
Our bodies are fuelled by glucose. Yes, that’s right sugar is essential for our bodies to function! Glucose comes from the food we eat and the level in your blood will vary before and after eating.
If it’s a long time since your last meal, your blood sugar levels can dip and cravings for a quick sugar fix will sky-rocket.
It’s better to fuel your body on high fiber whole grain carbohydrates which release energy slowly and high protein food which keeps you full for longer. Wholemeal bread and pasta, brown rice, quinoa, and porridge oats will fill you up and help keep your blood sugar levels stable.
#4 Stock Up On Substitute Snacks
It’s easier to resist cravings if you have substitutes to hand. Line up a jar of nuts next to the kettle and make sure you have plenty of go-to healthy snacks to stop you from reaching for the biscuit tin.
Experiment with new flavors. Not everything has to be sweet! There are so many wonderful spices to discover. Roast chickpeas and sprinkle with turmeric and ginger for a tasty treat.

#5 Write Your List Of Avoidance Strategies To Quit Sugar
Be prepared for sugary temptations. Write down a list of avoidance strategies. What will you do if you end up in a cafe surrounded by muffins? What happens if you’re traveling and you can’t find anything to eat without added sugar at the services?
#6 Eat Regularly
It’s easier to stick to convictions, (and avoid that tempting doughnut) when you’re not ravenous. Don’t skip meals and eat every 3-5 hours.
Planning out your meals in advance is a good tip when you’re quitting sugar.
#7 Drink Water
Rediscover the refreshing taste of water. It’s by far the best way to hydrate your body throughout the day. By drinking water, you’re avoiding the temptation of sugar-laden drinks.
Sugar-free drinks with artificial sweeteners may help during the first few weeks of quitting sugar but long-term they can stop you from adjusting your taste buds.
When you quit sugar a big plus is the way everything tastes better! Flavors are no longer dulled by the overriding taste of sugar.

#8 Eat Your Veggies
The nutrients in fruit and vegetables are so important for your health, but when you’re quitting sugar it’s best to favor vegetables over fruit.
Vegetables are a terrific low-calorie way of helping you feel full and will help to avoid blood sugar dips in between meals.
#9 Treat Yourself To Berries
Avoid too much natural sugar from fruit whilst you’re kicking your sugar addiction. Compared with some high-fructose fruits, berries are low in sugar and high in fiber. They’re a top choice for a natural sugar treat.
Try and avoid fruits such as grapes and cherries which have been grown specifically for their high sugar content.
#10 Exercise
You may not feel like it, but low-intensity exercise such as walking will help you beat your sugar cravings. It’s also a big help if you’re trying to lose weight!
Just make sure you eat a healthy snack before and after to keep your blood sugar levels constant. If you’re going out for more than an hour, take a high-protein, complex-carb snack with you. Peanut butter sandwiches made with wholegrain bread are my favorite option!

Reward Yourself With Non-Sugar Treats
Instead of thinking about sugar as a treat, remind yourself it’s something to avoid and think of alternative treats. These could be experiences such as walking along the beach, watching a good film, or buying a new top.
Write a list of alternative treats to reward yourself at the end of a hard day or when you’ve hit a health and fitness goal. Sometimes just getting together with a good friend is the only treat you need!