10-20-30 Running Workout For A Faster 5K Time

Are you new to interval training? Then, the 10-20-30 running workout could be for you. It’s a training session that works for beginner runners, and it’s designed to improve 5K performance.

The 10-20-30 interval workout improves your VO2 max and encourages faster running. Add this workout to your running schedule one or two times a week, and you could see significant results.

Image of three runners following an interval running workout

The 10-20-30 Workout

  1. Start by warming up with 1 mile (10 to 15 minutes) of easy running.
  2. Jog for 30 seconds, run at normal training pace for 20 seconds, then sprint for 10 seconds.
  3. Immediately repeat four times until you’ve completed a 5-minute set.
  4. Recover with a 2-minute jog.
  5. Repeat the 5-minute set step 2 two or three times with a 2-minute jog between sets. More experienced runners can aim for 4 sets.
  6. Cool down with about a mile of easy jogging.
Image of three runners training using the 10-20-30 running workout

The Research

This workout was first tested in 2012 on a group of recreational runners. For a seven-week period, 18 runners were split into a control group or a 10-20-30 interval training group. At the end of the observation period, the 10-20-30 group improved their 5K time by an average of 48 seconds, with no change in the control group.

In 2014, a larger group of 160 runners was again split into a control group and a 10-20-30 group. The 10-20-30 group replaced two out of three weekly running sessions with 10-20-30 intervals. After eight weeks, the 10-20-30 group reduced their 5K time by 38 seconds, with no change in the control group.

A recent study in 2023 found that 10-20-30 intervals can be just as effective if the final sprint is at sub-maximal effort, such as 80% effort.

What Is VO2 Max?

VO2 max is the measurement of the maximum oxygen delivery and utilization by your body for cardiovascular exercise. The more oxygen you can use and consume, the easier the exercise will feel. For runners, this translates into how fast you can run.

It’s trainable but also dictated by genetics. You can only reach your genetic potential by training. All runners will benefit from VO2 max training. It will help you run faster for longer.

Why Do 10-20-30 Interval Sessions If You’re A Beginner Runner?

10-20-30 intervals increase the heart rate without putting excessive load on your body. You’re only sprinting for 10 seconds, and this doesn’t need to be at maximum effort; 80% effort is sufficient.

As a UESCA-trained running coach, I usually advise against interval training for beginner runners as the injury risk is too high. But with 10-20-30 sessions, the majority of the workout is at your normal training pace or at an easy jog, so you’re unlikely to wake up stiff and sore the following morning.

Yet these 10-20-30 sessions will still increase your heart rate significantly compared with a steady run. By the end of the session, you’ll know you’ve had a good cardio workout. Plus, you’ll experience the feeling of running faster. This all helps when you’re trying to improve your 5K time.

My normal training pace for the 20-second efforts naturally increases whenever I run these sessions. I’m tired from the continuous effort, but my legs want to run faster.

If you’re new to running, it’s best to build up to running your first 5K without adding speedwork. However, as soon as you can confidently run 5K, try adding this session once a week. You can add a second weekly session or a tempo run as your running progresses.

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