What Should Your BMI Be? Using A Body Mass Index Calculator
A body mass calculator is only a rough guide to your ideal weight. It’s far from perfect. Often athletes with big muscles will be classed as overweight based purely on their Body Mass Index (BMI). So what should your BMI be?
I read a story recently about someone with atypical anorexia who was told they were overweight based on their BMI (and that was by a doctor). Your body fat percentage is a much better indicator.
Know its limitations and don’t beat yourself up about the result. At best a body mass calculator is a rough indicator of whether you’re underweight, normal, overweight, or obese. Medical advice is to aim to be within the normal range.

The best ways to be healthy are:
- adopting healthy eating – eating your 5-a-day fruit and vegetables, reducing high-sugar, high-fat foods, and eating more whole grains. Choose healthier protein sources – beans, peas, lentils, tofu, nuts, and protein from lean meat. Plant-based foods are extremely low in saturated fat and cholesterol-free.
- improving your fitness by exercising regularly,
- reducing your consumption of alcohol,
- and quitting smoking.
BMI Calculator
Check your BMI using these calculated values BUT remember it’s only an indicator.
BMI isn’t age or sex-related. The BMI chart for women is the same for men. You may come across some charts attempting to differentiate BMI results for men and women or differentiating based on age but all you’re doing is adding another layer of inaccuracy to an inaccurate and often misleading indicator.
Use this chart as a rough guide only. If your diet is poor and you never exercise I’m sure you don’t need a chart to tell you it’s time to take action!

Often a visual image can give you a better idea of the amount of body fat you’re carrying.

Underweight | < 18.5 |
Normal | 18.5 – 24.99 |
Overweight | 25 – 29.99 |
Obese | > 30 |
Being underweight can lead to serious health issues. It can mean your body is failing to get the nutrients you need.
Often the underlying causes of being underweight are eating disorders, depression, or stress. It’s time to get help. Make a doctor’s appointment or call a helpline. UK helpline. US helpline.
Woo-hoo! Your BMI is in the normal range. Keep up the good work! Just make sure you eat healthy foods and exercise regularly.
A normal BMI doesn’t guarantee good health but it does mean less risk of weight-related conditions such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure. If you have any concerns – check in with your doctor.
If your BMI falls into the overweight range, you could be at greater risk of weight-related conditions. The main risks are type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure.
If you’re an athlete who eats healthy food and exercises regularly, your BMI in the overweight range may be caused by the weight of your muscles.
BMI is a poor indicator of overall health but it can be a sign that you need to do something about your weight.
Avoiding overeating, eating your fruit and veg, exercising regularly, limiting your alcohol intake, and quitting smoking, are the best ways to stay healthy.
An extra indicator is your waist measurement, (although athletes have stronger core muscles and can have bigger waist measurements). Yet again this is just a guide.
Generally, men with a waist size of 94cm (37 inches) or more and women with a waist size of 80cm (31.5 inches) or more are more likely to develop obesity-related health problems.
An overweight BMI can mean you need to make some lifestyle changes. Cut out junk food from your diet, avoid overeating, reduce or quit sugar, and fill up with fresh fruit and vegetables. Start making exercise a regular part of your life.
If your BMI falls into the obese range you’re at high risk for heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and some cancers. It’s time to check in with your doctor and make some big changes to your lifestyle.
Seek out medical advice on how to improve your diet and safely exercise. Healthy eating and regular exercise are key to improving your health. It’s time to take action!